Urban Experimentation
VrijHaven is a refined ensemble of twelve building blocks, created through close collaboration between an exciting team of architects situated on the outer edge of Amsterdam. It is a place for experimentation, devoid of fixed boundaries — a design that allows ample space for the individual expression of its future users. We preserve the qualities of the Havenstraatterein and incorporate them into a new, sustainable urban ensemble.
We were inspired by the free-spirited character of the Havenstraat. That is why we preserve the intrinsic qualities in the new design.’
Unbound Expression
Unbound Expression
Together with Studio Donna van Milligen Bielke & Ard de Vries Architecten, Team V Architecture, Joppe Kusters, and DELVA, we designed a unique and creative ensemble expressed through vibrant plinth programs. The Oerplint will become a timeless monumental element that forms the podium for the other building blocks, bookended by the Kopblok and Tramloods, a museum for historical trams with cultural programming atop called De Vrijplaats. We drew inspiration from the site’s original railway character, radiating abundance and timeless appeal. Functionally, the plinth recalls the activity of the Havenstraatterrein’s second life, housing flexible studios, affordable maker spaces, restaurants, and cultural venues.
The interaction between the plinth and public space is vital for integration into the city. We blur boundaries, merging the street with the building into the urban fabric.’
Crafting Community
Crafting Community
We designed an enticing family of twelve expressive housing blocks characterized by raw elegance comprising re-used and biobased facade materials, flexible plans, distinctive roofscapes, and small-scale circulation design. The design stimulates meeting, individual expression, and a sense of community. The housing ensemble and Oerplint are strongly connected by lush green courtyards, designed by DELVA Landscape Architecture | Urbanism. This is where neighbors meet, and children can play freely. An art route throughout the neighborhood forms an additional inspirational layer to the design.
VrijHaven is set to become a new, energy-efficient, healthy, and energy-neutral neighborhood.’
Energy Haven
Energy Haven
VrijHaven will be an energy-efficient, healthy, and energy-supplying district and therefore ready for the energy transition. Combined with ambitious energy-saving methods, the project achieves impressive BENG scores and will become a true ‘energy haven’. The entire neighborhood will be connected to a smart grid to reduce energy costs, CO2 emissions, and grid congestion. VrijHaven minimizes environmental impact, employing wooden structures and reused materials in construction, turning it into a showcase of circularity and bio-based innovation.
We create habitats for people, animals, and plants with native species free to find their own space in the project.’
Green Connectors
Green Connectors
Through the courtyards of VrijHaven, we connect the Amsterdam Bosscheg to the city. A green route provides living space and food for the flora and fauna and stimulates the city’s biodiversity. The design of the courtyards reuses many of the existing Havenstraat elements such as tram rails and wooden railroad ties. A continuous rail forms a clearly readable route through the neighborhood. Various ‘stops’ along the rails in the different courtyard provide a meeting space for neighbors. The route ends on the roof of the Tramloods, an exciting new space for events with an amazing view over the Schinkelpark.